Although each day’s activities were different for Debbie & I, the JOY was the same EVERY day. We’ve both worked in long-term care for decades in the past, as part of our Nursing careers. But Melabev was really Special.
Perhaps it was Special BECAUSE we were volunteering, perhaps because ALL Club Members are Jewish – & made Aliyah to Israel decades ago, perhaps because the Club Members responded to us, perhaps because the Staff so readily welcomed us & trusted us [I don’t think they knew ahead of time that we both had Geriatric experience.], perhaps it was because everyone spoke English [so we could communicate more easily], perhaps it was because the daily activities were fun & therapeutic [for US as well as the Club Members!], or perhaps it was simply because we were in L’Eretz Yisrael, & we-the Club Members-& the Staff all communicated with our Hearts. Whatever the reasons, we knew we were making a difference every day in the lives of our People.
Debbie & I strongly recommend Skilled Volunteers for Israel to assist you in finding just the right “fit” for your Volunteer time in Israel. If we had to sum our Volunteer experiences up in 2 words, “meaningful” & “Neshumeh” are @ the top of our List for Melabev, for the Club Members & Staff surely touched our Neshumehs. Sheri Stern & Debbie Glassman